Habitat Plants
Attracting Native Wildlife

Indigenous plants or plants that are historically native to your area, whose seeds can be sourced locally, are ideal. Specialist nurseries can help in this regard as can organisations such as Trees for Life. An environment rich in nectar and seed, available at all times of the year, is likely to attract the greatest number of birds, mammals, butterflies and other species.

While indigenous plants are ideal, many exotic cultivars may also be highly attractive to native fauna (e.g. fruit trees) and may be worth considering.  However, certain species (such as Olives, Lavender or Ivy) are likely to become invasive weeds and need to be avoided at all costs.  Also, just because a plant is being sold as a “native” doesn’t necessarily make it ideal for your garden!!  Some of the most noxious weed species to be found across the country are “Australian” varieties from other parts of the country, which have been inappropriately planted.

Does it make sense to enhance your own garden for wildlife, at the risk of endangering other local habitats?  If you are going to plant an introduced species please – MAKE SURE IT STAYS WHERE IT IS PLANTED! Contact your local council or Department for the Environment in your state (DEH SA) for a list of species likely to be an issue in your area.


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