eBooks & Videos
fauNature has gathered the resources listed below to offer expert guidance on creating artificial hollows and provide valuable information on various other relevant topics. Download your complimentary eBook today and watch the video guides to start creating hollow habitats and gaining invaluable insights about the importance of natural cavities and the species that rely on them.
How to… videos.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, our videos offer step-by-step instructions and tips to help you.
How to Assemble a standard fauNature Wildlife/Nesting Box.
How to Install a standard fauNature Wildlife/Nesting Box.
How to open the door of a standard fauNature Wildlife/Nesting Box.
Wildlife/Nesting Box Installation safety recommendations
Wildlife/Nesting Boxes in Action collection.
Experimental Bat Roost/Condo in the roof space of a house.
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