Attracting wildlife
fauNature’s experience in working with councils, environmental organisations and industry groups over the last 15 years allows us to facilitate habitat augmentation, through nesting boxes, wildlife boxes and creating carved hollows, where natural hollows are in short supply.
We work with
⁍ Councils
⁍ Environmental agencies
⁍ Arborists

We can help with
Urban habitats
Meeting the goals of your urban habitat strategies by managing existing assets and installing or carving artificial hollows to support wildlife in a specific area.
Hollow Creation Plan
fauNature will discuss your specific environmental objectives, survey the site(s), and supply a plan discussing the best options for your hollow habitat plan including installation and/or carved hollow creation, together with ongoing management and reporting.
Hollow replacement
Replacement of natural hollows due to removal of trees in an area for major projects such as housing developments and construction or expansion of road and rail lines.

Expert knowledge
Tailored to you
fauNature works collaboratively to understand your needs and unique environment in order to provide you with expert advice and solutions.
Unique hollows
Designed and manufactured locally, fauNature has almost 30 nesting boxes, each designed taking into account the animals’ natural behaviours, breeding needs and local predators. Where opportunities allow, carved hollows in standing stags, again tailored for target species, are incorporated into the habitat enhancement strategies.
Safe and sustainable
Each nesting box is manufactured using certified wood and non-harmful materials and non-hazardous chemicals. Durable and robust, each hollow will create breeding, roosting or denning space for at least 10 years (unless destroyed by wildlife or taken over by bees).
100+ years for a new natural hollow
Urban habitat creation, nature in the city, urban forestry and healthy ecosystems have all become second nature (no pun intended) to many organisations and infrastructure projects.
Tree hollows take 100+ years to form naturally in trees. Planting new trees, whilst essential, does not solve the immediate habitat issues for much of our wildlife. Many of our native species need hollows to shelter, breed and survive. This is where fauNature’s bird boxes, wildlife boxes and carved hollows come in.
Let us help
Old trees containing natural hollows are now rare in many urban and rural environments, yet they are essential for almost 350 native animal species. fauNature is one of the few companies with the skills to understand and identify your current losses and assist with your future needs.
Step 1 – Scope issue and set goals
Identify the problem, understand key challenges and set goals. Conduct stakeholder consultation, identify timeframe and budget.
Step 2 – Site survey and assessment
Conduct a site survey to identify which species have been affected and develop recommendations on the best ways to attract and retain a verity of species.
Step 3 – Your hollow creation plan
Produce a report, based on the site survey, with the best available options to meet your goals including; which species to attract, which wildlife boxes and carved hollows are required, how many, where to place and what orientation is required.
Step 4 – Nesting box installation
Once approved, fauNature will implement your plan whilst ensuring personnel and wildlife safety, and limiting the impact on the trees. This includes establishing timeframes for future assessments to report on the effectiveness of outcomes.
Step 5 – Repairs and reporting
Servicing and surveying wildlife nesting boxes and carved hollows is a must for any large-scale installation across a council or wildlife zone. Three different options are provided to meet the needs of varying budgets.

Some of our clients

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