Useful Links
Attracting Native Wildlife

Attracting wildlife is a relative new pastime in Australia. While it has been undertaken by for decades in Europe and North America, other than by relatively few practitioners, it has only really started in Australia over the last 10 years.

Helpful information on attracting wildlife is finally starting to become available on the subject , in Australia. As a result of customer feedback, fauNature® has collected a range of useful websites to assist you in attracting wildlife. This is a “work in progress and additional site will be added as they are found. If you have a favourite site or one you would recommend please let us know.

National Wildlife Websites

Birds in Backyards is a research, education and conservation program focusing on the birds that live where people live.

Australasian Bat Society promotes the conservation of all species of bats (Order Chiroptera) in Australasia.

Birdpedia is the birdwatchers website.   Is a rich database about recent bird sightings, good birding locations, bird lists, local birding groups and other useful information.

Local Wildlife Websites

South Australia

Backyards 4 Wildlife: An Adelaide based site which encourages the creation of ecological sustainable urban gardens to enhance biodiversity and reduce our ecological footprint.

Butterfly Conservation SA: provides education and advice on protecting butterflies and their habitat through South Australia; to the general public, NGOs or government agencies.

Living with Wildlife delivers online courses, interactive face-to-face training and seminars to facilitate better awareness and understanding of venomous snakes.


Wildcare Australia is a non-profit organization located in South East Queensland dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of native wildlife.


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